Friday 29 April 2016

angularjs project scaffolding using yeoman

create a project using yo
a) install npm on your box.

1) install yeoman online using npm command.
cmd : npm install -g yo
ref : github (
2) create the project scaffolding using yo command.
note : create a project folder "voiceapp" and move to the directory.
cmd : yo  or (yo angular)
3) We get set of options, choose option based on requirement. here we choose angular.
There are some experimental feature like gulp/saas, based on requirement choose yes or no.
a) angular
b) webapp
4) include bootstrap choose yes option.
>( ) angular-animate.js
 ( ) angular-aria.js
 ( ) angular-cookies.js
 (*) angular-resource.js
 ( ) angular-messages.js
 (*) angular-route.js
 (*) angular-sanitize.js
 ( ) angular-touch.js

choose the following angular(resource/route/sanitize).

5) skip if there any option when installation.

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