Thursday, 26 May 2016

Functional style in java.

Functional style in java.

Function<T,R> function = new  Function<T,R>();
Type Parameters:
T - the type of the input to the function
R - the type of the result of the function

Ref : Oracle

ex :
It is the explicit intent to make it more convenient to program in a functional style in Java. Now, in mathematics, a function is generally written like

f: A -> B
(i.e., a function from As to Bs). This corresponds also to the notation in functional languages, Scala and already existing functional libraries for Java.

Ref : Stackoverflow 

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

WARN ( - Unknown column 'xxx' in 'field list'

 WARN  ( - Unknown column 'EditedOn' in 'field list'

Solution :
1) In hibernate check the entity class.
2) In table check the column names.
3) Compare both the entity and column name.
4.Caused due to spelling mistake.